

Declaration [src]

clutter_actor_get_width (
  ClutterActor* self

Description [src]

Retrieves the width of a ClutterActor.

If the actor has a valid allocation, this function will return the width of the allocated area given to the actor.

If the actor does not have a valid allocation, this function will return the actor’s natural width, that is the preferred width of the actor.

If you care whether you get the preferred width or the width that has been assigned to the actor, you should probably call a different function like clutter_actor_get_allocation_box() to retrieve the allocated size clutter_actor_get_preferred_width() to retrieve the preferred width.

If an actor has a fixed width, for instance a width that has been assigned using clutter_actor_set_width(), the width returned will be the same value.

Gets propertyClutter.Actor:width

Return value

Type: gfloat

The width of the actor, in pixels.