

Description [src]

final class Cogl.Snippet : GObject.Object
  /* No available fields */

Functions for creating and manipulating shader snippets

CoglSnippets are used to modify or replace parts of a CoglPipeline using GLSL. GLSL is a programming language supported by OpenGL on programmable hardware to provide a more flexible description of what should be rendered. A description of GLSL itself is outside the scope of this documentation but any good OpenGL book should help to describe it.

Unlike in OpenGL, when using GLSL with Cogl it is possible to write short snippets to replace small sections of the pipeline instead of having to replace the whole of either the vertex or fragment pipelines. Of course it is also possible to replace the whole of the pipeline if needed.

Each snippet is a standalone chunk of code which would attach to the pipeline at a particular point. The code is split into four separate strings (all of which are optional):

  • declarations The code in this string will be inserted outside of any function in the global scope of the shader. This can be used to declare uniforms, attributes, varyings and functions to be used by the snippet.
  • pre The code in this string will be inserted before the hook point.
  • post The code in this string will be inserted after the hook point. This can be used to modify the results of the builtin generated code for that hook point.
  • `replace If present the code in this string will replace the generated code for the hook point.

All of the strings apart from the declarations string of a pipeline are generated in a single function so they can share variables declared from one string in another. The scope of the code is limited to each snippet so local variables declared in the snippet will not collide with variables declared in another snippet. However, code in the ‘declarations’ string is global to the shader so it is the application’s responsibility to ensure that variables declared here will not collide with those from other snippets.

The snippets can be added to a pipeline with cogl_pipeline_add_snippet() or cogl_pipeline_add_layer_snippet(). Which function to use depends on which hook the snippet is targeting. The snippets are all generated in the order they are added to the pipeline. That is, the post strings are executed in the order they are added to the pipeline and the pre strings are executed in reverse order. If any replace strings are given for a snippet then any other snippets with the same hook added before that snippet will be ignored. The different hooks are documented under CoglSnippetHook.

For portability with GLES2, it is recommended not to use the GLSL builtin names such as gl_FragColor. Instead there are replacement names under the cogl_* namespace which can be used instead. These are:

  • `uniform mat4 cogl_modelview_matrix The current modelview matrix. This is equivalent to #gl_ModelViewMatrix.
  • `uniform mat4 cogl_projection_matrix The current projection matrix. This is equivalent to #gl_ProjectionMatrix.
  • `uniform mat4 cogl_modelview_projection_matrix The combined modelview and projection matrix. A vertex shader would typically use this to transform the incoming vertex position. The separate modelview and projection matrices are usually only needed for lighting calculations. This is equivalent to #gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix.
  • `uniform mat4 cogl_texture_matrix[] An array of matrices for transforming the texture coordinates. This is equivalent to #gl_TextureMatrix.

In a vertex shader, the following are also available:

  • `attribute vec4 cogl_position_in The incoming vertex position. This is equivalent to #gl_Vertex.
  • attribute vec4 cogl_color_in The incoming vertex color. This is equivalent to #gl_Color.
  • attribute vec4 cogl_tex_coord_in The texture coordinate for layer 0. This is an alternative name for #cogl_tex_coord0_in.
  • `attribute vec4 cogl_tex_coord0_in The texture coordinate for the layer 0. This is equivalent to #gl_MultiTexCoord0. There will also be #cogl_tex_coord1_in and so on if more layers are added to the pipeline.
  • attribute vec3 cogl_normal_in The normal of the vertex. This is equivalent to #gl_Normal.
  • `vec4 cogl_position_out The calculated position of the vertex. This must be written to in all vertex shaders. This is equivalent to #gl_Position.
  • float cogl_point_size_in The incoming point size from the cogl_point_size_in attribute. This is only available ifcogl_pipeline_set_per_vertex_point_size()` is set on the pipeline.
  • float cogl_point_size_out The calculated size of a point. This is equivalent to #gl_PointSize.
  • varying vec4 cogl_color_out The calculated color of a vertex. This is equivalent to #gl_FrontColor.
  • varying vec4 cogl_tex_coord0_out The calculated texture coordinate for layer 0 of the pipeline. This is equivalent to #gl_TexCoord[0]. There will also be #cogl_tex_coord1_out and so on if more layers are added to the pipeline. In the fragment shader, this varying is called #cogl_tex_coord0_in.

In a fragment shader, the following are also available:

  • varying vec4 cogl_color_in The calculated color of a vertex. This is equivalent to #gl_FrontColor.
  • varying vec4 cogl_tex_coord0_in The texture coordinate for layer 0. This is equivalent to #gl_TexCoord[0]. There will also be #cogl_tex_coord1_in and so on if more layers are added to the pipeline.
  • vec4 cogl_color_out The final calculated color of the fragment. All fragment shaders must write to this variable. This is equivalent to #gl_FrontColor.
  • float cogl_depth_out An optional output variable specifying the depth value to use for this fragment. This is equivalent to #gl_FragDepth.
  • bool cogl_front_facing A readonly variable that will be true if the current primitive is front facing. This can be used to implement two-sided coloring algorithms. This is equivalent to #gl_FrontFacing.
  • vec2 cogl_point_coord When rendering points, this will contain a vec2 which represents the position within the point of the current fragment. vec2(0.0,0.0) will be the topleft of the point and vec2(1.0,1.0) will be the bottom right. Note that there is currently a bug in Cogl where when rendering to an offscreen buffer these coordinates will be upside-down. The value is undefined when not rendering points.

Here is an example of using a snippet to add a desaturate effect to the generated color on a pipeline.

  CoglPipeline *pipeline = cogl_pipeline_new ();

  /<!-- -->* Set up the pipeline here, ie by adding a texture or other
     layers *<!-- -->/

  /<!-- -->* Create the snippet. The first string is the declarations which
     we will use to add a uniform. The second is the 'post' string which
     will contain the code to perform the desaturation. *<!-- -->/
  CoglSnippet *snippet =
    cogl_snippet_new (COGL_SNIPPET_HOOK_FRAGMENT,
                      "uniform float factor;",
                      "float gray = dot (vec3 (0.299, 0.587, 0.114), "
                      "                  cogl_color_out.rgb);"
                      "cogl_color_out.rgb = mix (vec3 (gray),"
                      "                          cogl_color_out.rgb,"
                      "                          factor);");

  /<!-- -->* Add it to the pipeline *<!-- -->/
  cogl_pipeline_add_snippet (pipeline, snippet);
  /<!-- -->* The pipeline keeps a reference to the snippet
     so we don't need to *<!-- -->/
  g_object_unref (snippet);

  /<!-- -->* Update the custom uniform on the pipeline *<!-- -->/
  int location = cogl_pipeline_get_uniform_location (pipeline, "factor");
  cogl_pipeline_set_uniform_1f (pipeline, location, 0.5f);

  /<!-- -->* Now we can render with the snippet as usual *<!-- -->/
  cogl_push_source (pipeline);
  cogl_rectangle (0, 0, 10, 10);
  cogl_pop_source ();


hierarchy this CoglSnippet ancestor_0 GObject ancestor_0--this




Allocates and initializes a new snippet with the given source strings.

Instance methods

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.


Sets a source string that will be inserted in the global scope of the generated shader when this snippet is used on a pipeline. This string is typically used to declare uniforms, attributes or functions that will be used by the other parts of the snippets.


Sets a source string that will be inserted after the hook point in the generated shader for the pipeline that this snippet is attached to. Please see the documentation of each hook point in CoglPipeline for a description of how this string should be used.


Sets a source string that will be inserted before the hook point in the generated shader for the pipeline that this snippet is attached to. Please see the documentation of each hook point in CoglPipeline for a description of how this string should be used.


Sets a source string that will be used instead of any generated source code or any previous snippets for this hook point. Please see the documentation of each hook point in CoglPipeline for a description of how this string should be used.

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.


Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

Class structure

struct CoglSnippetClass {
  GObjectClass parent_class;

No description available.

Class members
parent_class: GObjectClass

No description available.